Monday, 17 August 2015

How to Take Care after Hair Transplant Surgery?

Hair transplant is an extremely delicate medical procedure. Hence, it is important that patients follow the post-operative instructions carefully to ensure optimal healing and effective growth of the hair. At HHY, patient’s health has always been the top priority. So, the doctors guide the patients who seek for their services. Assistance is provided throughout the hair transplant procedure and also in the post-operation recovery stage.
The doctor of HHY would provide you personal assistance and support you for the post hair transplant recovery to get optimum results. HHY provides such sessions to its patient's in the form of daily follow up's till 6 months, for good result. If the post-operative instructions are followed carefully, the hair transplant can hardly be noticed after a few days and almost undetectable after the first week. Patients are given proper medication for swelling at the time of hair transplant surgery. Also, medication is given for sleep and pain if needed by the patient.
Given below is some post operative care tips that would help the patients recover faster
·    On the night of your procedure and in the coming few nights one has to sleep with their head elevated.
·    Avoid taking any medicines like vitamins, Aspirins or Ibuprofen or any Arthritis medications for at least 3 days after your procedure. These medications tend to thin the blood and may result in excessive bleeding. In case of any additional medication required apart from what has been prescribed, then consult the doctor.
·    The next day morning, after procedure one needs to shower and shampoo their scalp 3 times. Remainder of the week, twice a day of shower is good enough.  
·    In the First few weeks, shampoo your scalp very gently. After 10 days grafts are permanent and so you can resume normal shampooing and hair care
·   After the hair wash, if you are using a blow dryer, switch it on to the cool setting for the first five days after surgery. This is mainly because warm air could cause minor bleeding at the grafted area.
·   Avoid consumption of alcohol for about 3-4 days after procedure. Also, avoid smoking for two weeks after procedure.
·   Always wear a hat or a scarf when in strong sunlight
·   3 weeks after the procedure, you can have a haircut done and also dye your hair in 4 weeks. 
·   Avoid Vigorous physical activities like running, cycling, and weight lifting, or sports activities such as football, cricket, golf, baseball, soccer, etc for at least one week after the surgery. Since, undertaking such activity may result in bleeding, loss of grafts, intense swelling around the eyes and forehead.

Generally patients can resume their daily routine almost immediately. Doctors recommend you to return to the HHY clinic for a ten day follow-up visit and routine checkup at HHY clinic who offer hair transplant in mumbai, hair transplant in odisha & hair transplant in visakhapatnam. But for those who live at a distance from our facilities, we handle such cases by phone or on Skype call as well.