Tuesday 6 May 2014

Fight against hair loss and get your self-esteem back

Our incredibly fast, demanding lifestyle today has serious implications in terms of our health and well being. One of the most common and visibly affected problem areas, given our poor eating habits, taxing routines and stress, is our hair — it is even said that a person’s hair is often an indicator of their overall health and personality. While the indicator of health argument is something that would probably need proper scientific research and backing, the hair and personality connection is obvious. Hair problems have a great impact on one’s personality, confidence and self-perception, which negatively affects their social lives, irrespective of their age or gender.
When one suffers from problems like excessive hair fall, thinning hair, or pattern baldness, there is a directly proportional dip in their personality and self-esteem. More so, our appearance-obsessed society places great importance and value on having thick, dense hair which often subjects persons with hair problems to ridicule. However, the answer to this embarrassing problem is finally here, and one does not have to spend a fortune to regain their priceless self-confidence.
There are a variety of treatments, both temporary and permanent, available to conceal or combat hair loss problems. However, given the visual ineffectiveness of temporary solutions like wigs or concealer powder, an increasing number of people are now opting for more permanent solutions like hair transplant. Though hair transplantation involves a minor surgery, the relatively painless procedure is not only safe and effective, but also ensures that the result is natural-looking.
The procedure usually involves transplantation of healthy hair-bearing scalp from the back of your hair to areas which are experiencing baldness or thinning. Thus, essentially, your own healthy, growing hair will be used to combat your hair problems. More so, there will never be an ‘unnatural’ look or feel. The effectiveness of the treatment is also indicated by the fact that the transplanted hair continues to grow for a lifetime, although it undergoes an initial shedding phase. Indeed, you need a doctor who has the skills, technical know-how and experience required for the hair transplant treatment, but perhaps it is also equally important for your doctor to understand empathetically the pressures that an emotionally disruptive problem like hair loss exerts on individuals. With a strong belief in such value-systems, Hair Harmony and You understand patients’ needs, and custom-designs expert solutions to suit.

Gone are the days when one lived in denial about their hair loss problems. And why should anyone? With hair transplantation treatments, one can regain their confidence and drastically alter their personality. You now do not have to be embarrassed about baldness or thinning hair; hair transplantation is a choice that will ensure that you live life to the fullest, and redefine the way your perceive yourself. After all, it is not a superficial treatment that gives you a temporary feel-good factor or a make-over, it will surely permanently alter the way you feel — you deserve to be happy, don’t you?

For more details call or what's app :- +91 8097-33-1300

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